Donna Payton
“As an artist, I intuitively record the human emotional fog of today by delving into urgent questions facing us at this moment in history. Physically, my work brings together a variety of materials through investigation and experimentation. A range of media and techniques is conjoined in photographs, paintings, sculptures and installations. Philosophically, I explore the emotional disposition of today’s society. The unsettled fragmentation in contemporary life, the whirl of global communications and the political and cultural dynamics inform my imagery and choice of materials.
My “Interconnected” series relates to spiritual issues and the climate of today’s unrest. In response to these issues, my work is hopeful, about change, positive interactions and connectivity. I chose the human heart to represent humanity. Undulating tubes of energy signify movement of the life force. The pieces in this “Interconnected” series reflect connections with humanity, nature, universal energy and the interconnectedness of every being and all things. By realizing our relatedness, we may see our similarities and start an understanding that can begin to change the problems. When we honor the physical things and become mindful of the the unity of all things, we impart respect and are able to make changes to heal and honor ourselves and the Earth.”